Why REM Sleep Is Important For Your Wellness

What Does REM Stand For – REM or rapid eye movement sleeping is something all people go through. REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because it often occurs three to five times during a good night’s sleep. REM sleep is deemed by some to be the fifth cycle of sleep and is often thought to be the most important of them all because it stimulates parts of your brain that are critical to retaining memories and learning. REM sleep starts about 90 minutes after you fall asleep where you enter into the so-called REM cycle.

A person may not be able to function when there is not enough sleep. Changes in mood, fatigue, and loss of concentration are common symptoms caused by lack of sleep. Lack of REM sleep, or quality dream-state sleep, may also lead to the same result. A person who does not have enough rest and sleep can experience headaches on a regular basis. On top of that, without regular REM sleep, a person starts to lose focus when awake. Sleep allows the body to recuperate and recover from the rigors of daily living. REM sleep will enable the mind to regenerate its contents. REM sleep can bring memories, concepts, and ideas to the fore, moving other memory back into long term storage.

Understanding The Stages Of Sleep
When people sleep, they go through two types of sleep (comprised of stages), the REM or rapid eye movement sleep, and the NREM or non-rapid eye movement sleep. Individuals pass through four stages of NREM or non-rapid eye movement sleep before they reach the so-called REM or rapid eye movement stage. The whole process would last approximately ninety minutes in total, and people go through the whole process for about four to six times every night.

NREM Sleep Is Divided Into Four Stages
The four stages of NREM or non-rapid eye movement sleep are the N1-Transition sleep, N2-Light sleep, N3-Transition sleep, and N4- Deep sleep.

N1 - Light Transition Sleep
N1 – Transition sleep is the lightest stage of sleep. It’s when the body gears down to get good sleep. This tends to last anywhere from one to five minutes.

N2-Deeper Sleep
N2 – Deeper sleep is the first true sleep stage. This lasts for about ten to twenty-five minutes. It is at this stage that you feel your heart rate slow down and your body temperature drop. At this time, when you are awakened, you may feel groggy and unable to fully wake up and can take up to ten minutes to fall back to sleep once more.

N3 And N4 Deep Sleep
Last but not least is the N3 and N4-Deep sleep with N4 being more intense. This is where you are at a stage where you have the most sleep, and you are difficult to wake up. This stage is likewise known as the delta sleep, as it slows brain waves and blood flow is directed away from your brain to the muscles. This particular stage lasts for about 30 minutes, and this is the moment when sleepwalking can occur.

REM Sleep
Sometimes called the fifth stage, the body starts to move into restorative sleep, which usually starts about 90 minutes after you fall asleep.

How Sleep And Rest Differ From Each Other
Rest is a state of physical inactivity. We often stay still and motionless while we are at rest and our entire body’s activity decreases. Once we rest, we do not necessarily have to be sleeping to do so. For instance, lying in bed after a long walk is known as resting. The stillness of our bodily functions can aid in helping the body recover from exhaustion and reach a state of relaxation.

When we are about to sleep, it is easier to get to sleep when we are in a restful state. Some people can rest with their eyes closed to calm the mind without ever going to sleep. It would be better to take a nap, but five minutes with the eyes closed, and the body at rest can sometimes be enough to rejuvenate a person.

Furthermore, a person who is asleep will have very slow body motions and functioning compared to a person who is merely resting. One can rest and stay alert, while a person who is asleep is said to be devoid of any focus and alertness because they are, for all intents and purposes, unconscious. With almost little body activity, sleep gives a person the needed downtime for healing. A good night’s sleep allows the person to awake in the morning ready to work and live life with energy and zest. Lack of sleep makes the body hunger for more sleep. Without sleep, the body forces the issue and has microsleep, where the mind blanks out for seconds at a time without the body knowing it. It has been found out that microsleep can be responsible for car accidents where the driver dozes off while driving.

The Benefits Of Adequate Sleep And Rest
Sleep and rest are two terms often used interchangeably, although they both have different meanings they are highly associated with each other. They both deal with a person’s state of being in relaxation. Sleep might deal with a person being in an unconscious state, but people in both states will experience the slowing down of their bodily functions, motions, and movements.

Getting adequate amounts of sleep and a good night’s sleep offers several benefits to the individual. With adequate sleep, the brain is better able to track memories, have better concentration, and improve its learning capabilities. The immune system is strengthened by a sufficient amount of sleep. The positive effects cannot be ignored, which is why good sleep habits are crucial for everyone. When we are unable to get the right amount of quality sleep, the body’s immune system is weakened, and there is an increased risk of becoming sick with a cold or flu.

The body’s nervous system further needs a good night’s sleep as it repairs neurons that keep your body alive and functioning. Furthermore, these neurons are responsible for moving your legs, arms, blood circulation, breathing, and are essential to your overall well-being. Moreover, sleep encourages the creation of growth hormones. These growth hormones are essential for the proper development of young children and teenagers. That is why we encourage our kids to get the right amount of sleep each night to help them remain healthy and strong.

Conditions That Affect Sleep And Rest
There are many conditions that are known to prevent and disrupt an individuals’ state of sleep and rest. Insomnia, bedwetting, restless leg syndrome, and nightmares are among a few of the issues that can get in the way of achieving REM sleep or having adequate sleep and rest.

It is in these final stages that our body gets to repair and regenerate tissues, build up our muscles and bones, and strengthen the immune system. Sleep is vital because it helps to heal and re-energize the body.

When a person is not getting enough sleep (typically about seven to nine hours a day), they can experience sleep deprivation, and the body will suffer. Not having enough sleep can have adverse health consequences. Without enough sleep, a person can even become emotionally volatile or irritable. A person will not be as sharp and effective compared to someone who gets enough sleep.

Sleep is fundamental for everyone, but it is not just any kind of sleeping – it has to be adequate and of good quality. It cannot be stressed enough to have an extended period of rest and achieve REM restorative sleep each night. In order to recharge the body, a good night’s sleep is most definitely required.

What you will choose depends on your preferences, your budget, as well as the size of your bedroom. Adding a nightstand or bedside table is always a good way to liven up your bedroom. That said, the height of your furniture should be first and foremost in your mind when shopping because it will help make you feel comfortable in your bed. Make sure that you check the nightstand dimensions against your bed or mattress height, to keep things balanced.

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